Brigitte Louise – a baby naming story
13 Feb
When I became pregnant with Brigitte we were in the middle of moving from Nebraska to Virginia. I was working in a High School and one of my star students introduced me to her mother. Her sister’s name was Brigitte; she was French. We exchanged tips on sewing and pantry organizing techniques (nerdy I know), and became close. When we moved away from Nebraska I had to leave all of my friends behind. I named my darling Brigitte after her because I still miss our friendship. Also, Brigitte is Brigitte’s god mother, and they even act similar in some ways. Louise was the name of my Mother’s French cousin’s husband. I thought it was nice to have a French name for a middle name. I love French culture, and one of my favorite singers growing up as a little girl was Brigitte Bardot. My mother introduced me to her music. People called her “BB”; she was a sex symbol, French singer, model, and animal rights activist of the 1960’s. I wanted all of my daughters to have names that represented strength and female independence. It was not hard convincing my husband to name our dear Brigitte. The name is very normal, and normal in comparison to my other tastes in names.
This baby naming story was shared by a Baby Name Stories Contributor.
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