Heather Lee – Baby name story
1 Feb
This is the story of how we named our first child. My husband and I have been together since 10th grade. When we were 18, we decided that we wanted to be married and have kids. We hypothetically decided to name our daughter Heather, which was both of our favorite girls name. Heather was popular some years before, but not at this time. So despite it being kind of retro, we decided on Heather. It was crazy to think of having children when you are in high school, but we would often talk of our wedding, our family, the house we wanted, etc. Somehow we just knew we would be together.
When I was six months pregnant, my husband’s younger brother Lee was killed in a car accident. His loss was almost unbearable, very unexpected and so sad. When we were thinking of her middle name, my husband wanted her middle name to be Lee, after the uncle she would never know. Her name was so meaningful to my husband and his parents. Years later, at twenty, she loves her name. She realizes the planning and care that was taken to choose a name for her. She thinks of the uncle she never met, she thinks it’s girly and cute. I think her name suits her well and she will always be my Heather Lee.
This baby naming story was shared by Baby Name Stories Contributor
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