Skyler Rain – Baby name story

1 Feb

My baby naming story is of my third child. About 4 months into pregnancy, I had a dream, a very detailed , vivid dream. I was reading the local newspaper and it said “Mr. and Mrs. Mauldin welcomed their new daughter Skyler Rain last Sunday. Mother and baby are both well, she weighed 7.0 lbs.”

At the time i knew nothing of the sex of the baby. We had two other daughters, so I was convinced I was having a boy. After the dream, I just knew that we were having a girl. I told my husband about the dream, I said “We are having a girl and her name will be Skyler Rain. He thought I was losing it, “it was just a dream.” I told him next month was the ultra-sound and we would find out. The ultrasound confirmed a girl. I told him her name was Skyler Rain and he laughed, very skeptical. We really had never heard that name before, and Rain is weather, lol. Still, I knew that would be her name. My husband and I came to the agreement that we would fully consider any names. Guess what my daughter’s name is…. Yes, Skyler Rain.

This baby naming story was shared by a Baby Name Stories Contributor

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